Why Does Jesus Heal Terminal Cancer But Not Major Limb Amputations?

Pictures of Jesus Healing and Helping Others - Holy Pictures of Jesus

If you ask Christians if Jesus heals people, the answer will be a resounding, “absolutely”. They will often then add that the fact that Jesus heals people is strong evidence that Jesus is alive and that his bodily resurrection was a real historical event. There are some Christians, such as Pentecostal Christian Bible scholar, Dr. Craig Keener, who go so far as to claim that over two million Christian miracle claims are made each year around the world. If true, Jesus is performing a lot of miracles!

Here is a list of some of the medical conditions Christians claim that Jesus has healed:


-Cancer…even terminal, metastatic cancer



-Crippling diseases and injuries



-Heart disease



-Multiple Sclerosis


-Infectious Diseases




-Genetic Disorders


-Crohn’s Disease

-Sinus Infections


Diseases and Injuries Jesus NEVER heals:


-Major Limb Amputations

-Bombing Victims (those whose bodies have been blown into thousands of pieces)

Question: Why???

Why is Jesus capable of healing millions of people of diseases and conditions which can, in rare cases, have natural explanations for a recovery but for conditions for which there are no natural explanations for a recovery Jesus NEVER, EVER heals them?

Think about that, Christians, the next time you try to use miracle claims as evidence for Jesus’ resurrection.





End of post.

19 thoughts on “Why Does Jesus Heal Terminal Cancer But Not Major Limb Amputations?

  1. There used to be a meme or a video or something about how prayers to a milk jug would result in the same amount of answered prayers as those to God. I can’t seem to track it down now. Anyway, the idea was sometimes the milk jug says yes, sometimes no, and sometimes, not yet.


      1. Yes that’s the one, thanks. The title and first few seconds made me think it wasn’t when I was searching, but he does get to it a couple minutes in.


    1. Thank you Sir! Interesting coincidence that you are here, as when I got my onlySky user name and account for your blog, my password manager now wants to use it for Gary’s site here. So I assume OnlySky is WordPress based?


    2. Oops, my email notice said you were replying to Gary, but given the context, I assume you meant me. WordPress webpage replies sometimes get confusing.


  2. No matter what the alleged Christian miracle, there is always a possible natural explanation. That is the big problem with Christian miracle claims.

    Let’s use the example of a patient with terminal cancer who “miraculously” recovers without any trace of cancer after praying to Jesus:

    –It is always possible that the original diagnosis was wrong.

    –It is also possible that the original imaging studies (CT scans, etc.) upon which the cancer diagnosis was made were mixed up with someone else’s.

    –rare cancer recoveries do occur.

    No such mix up is possible for an amputated major limb. You can’t have a false diagnosis when it is obvious to everyone that the victim’s leg or arm is missing. And the same is true for the imaging studies. A missing major limb is obviously missing, with or without X-rays or CT scans. Rare major limb amputation recoveries do not occur. Ever.

    ZERO major limb amputation recoveries (miracles) have been recorded in the modern era. Zero. Why, dear Christians? Why?? Here are the choices: Either Jesus has a bias against people with major limb amputations; Jesus can’t heal major limb amputations; or Jesus is dead and doesn’t do miracles—the health recoveries attributed to Jesus are merely random chance.

    And please don’t insult our intelligence with the pathetic cop-out that God’s ways are not our ways.


  3. “ And please don’t insult our intelligence with the pathetic cop-out that God’s ways are not our ways.”

    Who are you replying to? Is this from some other blog’s discussion you are engaged in?


  4. 2 Possible answers from an Apologist Perspective:
    Answer 1. Perhaps he does heal them, but in such a way as the trace is lost.
    Example: Bob gets beheaded, Bob’s widow reads it in the newspaper and prays, God uses retrocausality and saves Bob while leaving the newspaper article’s printing, Bob’s widow reads in the next day’s paper that there was an editorial mistake and Bob is still alive.

    Answer 2. God generally does miracles within the bounds of nature.
    Example: Bob gets a placebo pill and his illness clears up sooner. Luke gets no pill at all, but has prayer and faith, and his cancer goes away. Technically, his mental “faith” could have been working like a placebo pill, but God was working within the natural realm to clear the cancer up, so it’s not a clear violation of natural bounds like in the beheading case.


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