Anti-Vaxxers, Climate Change Deniers, January 6th Deniers, and Conservative Christians

What's changed — and what hasn't — in 100 days since Jan. 6

Anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, January 6th deniers, and conservative Christians all have one thing in common: a distrust and rejection of majority expert opinion and an indulgence of conspiracy theories.

Anti-vaxxers don’t care that the overwhelming majority of medical experts say that vaccines are safe. Doctors and other medical experts are involved in a conspiracy to make money off of vaccines.

Climate change deniers don’t care that the overwhelming majority of scientists believe that climate change is real and is a threat to life on earth. Liberal environmentalists are faking the scientific research all to destroy the coal and gas industries and to push the “green energy” agenda.

January 6th deniers don’t care that the overwhelming majority of the world’s journalists and law enforcement agencies believe that thousands of Donald Trump supporters stormed the US capitol building on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to overthrow a free and fair democratic election. This is fake news, created by the mainstream media and the liberals who own them, to destroy conservativism and traditional Christian values.

And, conservative Protestant and evangelical Christians don’t care that the overwhelming majority of New Testament scholars reject the eyewitness/associate of eyewitness authorship of the Gospels. These scholars are biased against the supernatural and against traditional, conservative Christianity and therefore their majority opinion should be ignored.

All of the above groups point to fringe/minority expert opinion—or worse—their own non-expert research, as evidence that they are correct and that the majority of experts is wrong. But what all these groups do not understand is this: Just because a few experts take a fringe position on an issue is not sufficient reason why you as a non-expert should reject the majority expert opinion. Smart, educated people accept majority expert opinion on all issues about which they themselves are not experts. Period. Educated people do not buy into conspiracy theories.

So, stop behaving like undereducated fools, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, January 6th deniers, and conservative Christians. Accept majority expert opinion on all issues.





End of post.

56 thoughts on “Anti-Vaxxers, Climate Change Deniers, January 6th Deniers, and Conservative Christians

  1. Conservative Christians are primed during childhood to believe conspiracy theories. Take the biggest one of all they are taught: there is an evil, extremely powerful divine being who is able to possess people, affect govt affairs, help people like Hitler start wars, cause untold suffering and bad behaviour around the world, start false religions, and, along with his minions, has been has been doing this for thousands of years.

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    1. Albeit a believer in Christ’s miracles, I don’t give much credence to the Biblical books’ writers’ perceptions of the Divine’s nature nor of the afterlife. All scripture was written by human beings who, I believe, unwittingly created God’s nature in their own fallible and often-enough angry, vengeful image. (This may also help explain why those authors’ Maker has to be male.) Too many of today’s institutional Christians believe and/or vocally behave likewise. Also, I wonder whether the general need by humans (including me) for retributive justice is intrinsically linked to the same terribly flawed aspect of humankind that enables the most horrible acts of violent cruelty to readily occur on this planet, perhaps not all of which we learn about.

      While I don’t believe that God required blood and pain ‘payment’, from Jesus or anyone else, I do know that the creator’s animals have had their blood literally shed and bodies eaten in mindboggling quantities by Man. And maybe the figurative forbidden fruit of Eden eaten by Adam and Eve was actually God’s four-legged creation. I can see that really angering the Almighty, and a lot more than the couple’s eating non-sentient, non-living, non-bloodied fruit. I’ve noticed that mainstream Christianity doesn’t speak up much at all about what we, collectively, have done to animals for so long. (Just to be clear, I’m not vegetarian, though I seldom eat ‘meat’ but do eat prawns or shrimp pretty much on a weekly basis.)

      Also, does the Almighty really need or desire to be worshipped? Could not “houses of worship” actually have been meant for the parishioners, divinely intended to be for the soul what health clinics/spas, even hospitals, are for the body and mind? And perhaps the Ten Commandments were/are not meant to obey in order to appease/please God but rather intended for His human creation’s benefit, to keep people safe and healthy.

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      1. “ I’ve noticed that mainstream Christianity doesn’t speak up much at all about what we, collectively, have done to animals for so long. ”

        The rise of factory farms supplying most of the meat we eat as well as the last two hundred years or so of research on animals in labs that are basically torture chambers is something that bothers me, and I wish more people would pay attention to these issues, whether they eat meat or not.

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  2. I totally get the jist of this post, and am pretty much on board with it.

    Until we get to the very last line: “Accept majority expert opinion on all issues”.

    I could list a half-dozen or more scientific/medical theories that were supported by a consensus of experts for ages, and were all flat wrong.

    That last line is just too broad of a brush-stroke…


    1. Your comment makes a good point, but the best approach, then, is to accept expert opinion while still understanding that it can be wrong, so we watch out for challenges and track them while still trusting the experts until things shift. By analogy, a child must trust its parent even though its obvious to us that its parent isn’t perfect. Mistakes will happen, there’s no way around it, and that means that the best we can do is to trust the experts while keeping an eye out.

      The approach to this situation is surely NOT carte blanche to believe any cockamamie conspiracy theory (pedophile pizza parlors, false flag attacks on the Capitol, etc.) that fits one’s pre-conceptions.

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      1. re: “The approach to this situation is surely NOT carte blanche to believe any cockamamie conspiracy theory (pedophile pizza parlors, false flag attacks on the Capitol, etc.) that fits one’s pre-conceptions.”

        Yep, I totally agree with that.

        I guess I’m just not really in favor of “accepting” majority expert opinion. I’m more in favor of “acknowledging” it, and realizing that there just might be good reason that opinion is held, but I always maintain my own freedom to question whether majority opinion is correct. I might (for example) might be the guy to discover something new which proves the current majority opinion is wrong. But I could never be “that guy” if I required myself to always agree with majority opinion.


        1. The problem with your approach is that the odds are vastly against you, even given that the prevailing expert opinion is sometimes wrong. It’s an irrational play to think a non-expert has figured out what the experts haven’t until that is actually established, which is going to take the experts to do, see the next paragraph.

          Robert Rausch, in “The Constitution of Knowledge,” makes the point that scientific knowledge is made in a network (so using “majority” expert opinion misses a crucial aspect of it). The network can be wrong, but it’s more likely to be right than anything else because it is cross-referenced by everyone else (potentially) in the network. It’s like Churchill saying “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others.” (analogy isn’t perfect, but, still , . . .)

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    2. Accept majority expert opinion on all issues even though the majority of experts has occasionally been wrong. Why? Because the majority expert opinion is much more often correct than wrong and much more accurate than the opinions of non-experts.

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  3. For some, whether based on upbringing or peer influence (or both), believing conspiracy theories and false flags simply comes second nature. To these people, it doesn’t matter how much experience and/or knowledge an individual has — or even how much evidence they can present — for them it’s all bluster and “fake news.”

    To many, PERSONAL knowledge (?) and opinion is far more validating than facts.

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  4. Anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, Climate Change deniers, Jan. 6th deniers, and to a certain extent Conservative Evangy-Fundy Christians, when confronted by widespread Secularism-Intellectualism… are all basically addicts to disruption, chaos or anarchy to Earthly and/or Expert Majority rule when it ISN’T serving their interests or profits.


  5. I agree with the essence of the article, but I must offer a rebuttal to one point:

    “the overwhelming majority of the world’s journalists…” – Gary

    I don’t know who all you consider to be “journalists”, but I do not equate most news media personalities with subject-matter experts on much of anything other than being able to read a script and/or offering their opinions. People like Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Joy Reid, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham etc. are NOT objective and unbiased journalists. They are all decidedly biased (imo). For that matter, there are precious few “journalists” whom I hold in high regard at all (Glenn Greenwald comes close). There is so much political division and strife these days, that I consider corporate-owned news media to be tainted. That is true on BOTH the left and the right. This country really could use respected newspersons like Walter Cronkite or David Brinkley again (imo).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you brought up that point.

      I speak several languages. Everyday I watch the news from several foreign countries, including Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. The news from these countries for the most part is in agreement with the mainstream news broadcasts in the United States. The French, in particular, are not lap dogs of the United States. They don’t always agree with the mainstream US press. They certainly did not agree with the American news perspective on the Iraq War. But on all the issues discussed in this post, they are in full agreement with the mainstream US press.

      So, either there is a worldwide conspiracy, or those of you on the Right are indulging in yet another conspiracy: The mainstream media is controlled by the liberal elite and they are not telling us the truth.

      FYI: I do not consider Fox News or MSNBC News to be “mainstream”. They are both partisan, one for the Right, one for the Left. ABC, CBS, and CNN, and in particular PBS Newshour and NPR, are reputable mainstream news organizations whose reporting I respect and trust.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for the reply. That is interesting that you are multilingual and watch news programs from abroad.

        Regarding mainstream news outlets, the following chart, compiled by AllSides, illustrates their view of major media outlets and their political leanings. As a note of interest, ABC, NBC, CBS, and NPR (Opinion) are all rated as “Lean Left”. CNN is rated as “Left”. You may disagree with their conclusions, but they have a methodology.

        “So, either there is a worldwide conspiracy, or those of you on the Right are indulging in yet another conspiracy: The mainstream media is controlled by the liberal elite and they are not telling us the truth.” – Gary

        I assume you are speaking rhetorically here and are not addressing me specifically. I am not on the “Right”. I did not vote in 2016 or 2020, and the only candidate I supported financially in either election was Tulsi Gabbard (who is a Democrat).

        Those on the “Left” are susceptible to “conspiracy theories” and spreading disinformation as are those on the “Right”. The mainstream media has reported plenty of news stories in the past few years that have been determined to be demonstrably false. Some of that false reporting has reportedly proven to be rather costly for some news media outlets (e.g. see Nicholas Sandmann). I am guessing that will be true re. Kyle Rittenhouse as well.


        1. Thanks for the link. Interesting. However, I have a hard time believing that the Wall Street Journal is “center” when it is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

          So I can do one of two things: I can spend several hours studying the algorithms used by Allsides to see if they accurately reflect biases in the media or I can use my own exposure to a broad spectrum of American, British, German, Italian, Spanish, and French news agencies to come to the conclusion that since the foreign news services of several other free, democratic countries agree with the coverage of ABC, CBS, CNN, PBS, and NPR, then it is Allsides that probably has a bias issue, not the American mainstream press.

          Educated people do not spend hours investigating every conspiracy theory on the planet. And the belief that the mainstream American media is controlled by liberal elites or a Jewish cabal is a conspiracy theory. It is nonsense.

          Just because Tulsi Gabbard ran as a Democrat does not change the fact that she is VERY right of center, at least in my view.

          You have left several comments over the last few months which give me the impression that you are politically right of center, with myself being center. So since you are to the right of me, I consider you “right”. The definition of “conservative” and “liberal” is very subjective, so in your mind you may very well be a moderate, while a die hard Baptist fundamentalist might consider you a flaming liberal! 🙂

          Thank you for sharing your perspective!


          1. Thanks for the reply.

            To offer one note of clarification, the AllSides opinion is that the Wall Street Journal itself is “Center” while the Wall Street Journal (Opinion) is “Leans Right”. That is a distinction worth noting. Kimberly Strassel (for example) is part of the Wall Street Journal editorial board, and she is notably conservative.

            “Educated people do not spend hours investigating every conspiracy theory on the planet.” – Gary

            This may be true, but I don’t see how this observation distinguishes between “conservatives” being any more inclined to be duped by disinformation than “liberals” being inclined to be duped by disinformation. My observation is that both groups can be (and are) duped by disinformation from time to time.

            “And the belief that the mainstream American media is controlled by liberal elites or a Jewish cabal is a conspiracy theory. It is nonsense.” – Gary

            Who, pray tell, claims that it is?

            “The definition of “conservative” and “liberal” is very subjective…” – Gary

            I agree. And, one could offer that same response to your claim that foreign news services offer coverage similar to mainstream US media outlets. One could simply claim that all of them are biased “Left” or biased “Right” depending upon their perspective. I recall you had an interlocuter here some months ago (I can’t recall their name) who shared a link to a chart claiming pretty much all those mainstream media outlets were “Right” biased. If so, I guess that makes you and me both a couple of Right-wing capitalist pigs. 😉


              1. I know you were not asking me, but I’ll just throw in that a couple years ago I experimented with only getting my news from Fox for one month. While I don’t hold their political views, I did see how they stoke anger and outrage. I shudder to think of an angry old person getting nothing but a constant stream of Fox, and the life of outrage it promotes. It feeds on people’s need to have an enemy.

                Then I watched a month of Al Jazzera, and found it quite refreshing. The reporters and commentators were so restrained compared to Fox, and seemed to make an attempt and objective thought. But I don’t want to sound like a fan boy, I’m sure it has it’s problems, just not the angry at the world perspective that Fox takes.


                1. I believe that both Fox and MSNBC intentionally “stir the pot” for increased viewership and ratings.

                  I just finished watching the PBS News Hour. It was covering the anniversary of January 6th (tomorrow) and the decline in trust in experts among the general public. Very timely for this post. I could not watch the entire segment as it so infuriates me that people who call themselves patriot Americans excuse what happened that horrible day.

                  Some great cultures have been conquered by outside forces. Others have crumbled from within. I fear the United States may be headed toward the latter. There is such a huge divide in this country. The Left and the Right absolutely hate each other. It is terrible and very depressing. I hope we can still recover.

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                  1. I do wonder what role the backrooms of Putin’s Russia play in this. I remember a short documentary a few years ago talking about how the old Soviet KGB spent a lot of resources on pushing misinformation in countries and training their agents in this art – and Putin was one of them . Russia has a lot to gain from a disintegrating US. Although without being able to provide proof and citations, maybe I’m just engaging in conspiracies myself.

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              2. Thanks for the question.

                I am not glued to any particular source. I am skeptical of corporate-owned media as it is. I understand they want ratings, so they often sensationalize news stories to catch and keep people’s attention. I also do not consider myself to be much of a political activist (i.e. I didn’t vote in the last two POTUS elections). I detest the two-party system we have. I believe there is ample evidence of corruption and greed on BOTH sides of the aisle. Under the current structure, I think the best situation is for divided government where compromise is necessary to draft and pass legislation. One-party rule by either party is not desirable (imo). If it persisted for long, I believe the nation could become irreparably divided. I also desire term limits for politicians at the national level. My idea of a “centrist” politician is someone like Joe Lieberman.

                I get news and information online more so than from watching programs. I read ‘The Hill’ from time to time. I read ‘MarketWatch” for economic news. I read news feeds from AP and Reuters. I’ll get news from Al Jazzera from time to time. News aggregators like ‘Drudge Report’ are convenient for quick updates. I think MSNBC (Opinion) and Fox News (Opinion) intentionally stoke people’s anger, and watching either can raise one’s blood pressure quickly. As far as journalists go, I like Glenn Greenwald and a few others.


            1. Over the course of my life I’ve heard people who identify as left say the media is corporate controlled and right wing or at least right of center, and I’ve heard people who identify as right say the media is left wing or liberal. Maybe the owners tend to be right, and the reporters and journalists tend to be left. All relative terms perhaps, and maybe meant more in the pre social media days.


  6. While many Protestants have rejected Trump and his politics (though mostly quietly), regardless of his tempting conservative politics and pro-life professions, there nonetheless was/is a very vocal and politically active ‘Christian’ element celebrating Trump conservatism. Christ was no pushover, but he still was fundamentally about compassion and charity. He clearly would not tolerate the accumulation of tens of billions of dollars while so many others go hungry and homeless.

    Yet, that blatant contradiction appears to take a muted back seat to Trump’s successful nominations of three conservative justices for the U.S. Supreme Court; and, from my understanding, he was strategically doing likewise with a number of lower courts. There also was his politically/diplomatically destabilizing (fire-stoking?) move of the U.S Embassy in Israel, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. …

    Meanwhile, when a public person openly supports a guaranteed minimum income, he/she is deemed a socialist and therefore somehow evil. Yet, Christ’s teachings epitomize the primary component of socialism — do not hoard morbidly superfluous wealth in the midst of poverty. That’s un-Christ-like institutional Christianity for you!

    I can imagine many Christians even finding inconvenient, if not bothersome, trying to reconcile the conspicuous inconsistency in the fundamental nature of the New Testament’s Jesus with the wrathful, vengeful and even jealous nature of the Old Testament’s Creator. (And, really, why couldn’t Jesus have been one who’d enjoy a belly-shaking laugh over a good joke with his disciples, now and then? I’d find immense hope in a creator who has a great sense of humor rather than foremost a loose, very bad temper!)

    The bitter irony is that some of the best humanitarians I’ve met or heard about were/are atheists or agnostics who’d make better examples of many of Christ’s teachings/values than do too many institutional Christians (i.e. those most resistant to Christ’s fundamental teachings of non-violence, compassion and non-wealth). Conversely, some of the worst human(e) beings that I, a believer in Christ’s unmistakably great miracles, have met or heard about are the most devout practitioners of institutional Christian theology.


  7. Dear Gary

    Hello from the UK and thank you for your post.

    However, I disagree with “accept majority expert opinion on all issues”. The experts are often wrong.

    And one thing the main stream medics are wrong about is vaccines. I used to think vaccines were of some use but not for the ‘flu as I saw people fall ill anyway so what was the point.

    Then I researched properly in 2020 and realised that all vaccines are pointless as best for the following simple reasons:

    Vaccines contain, if anything, poison.
    Poisons have never been good for one’s health.
    Poisoning oneself will cause disease.

    On that basis it is reasonable to assume that doctors and other medical experts are either very dim or are making money by making people ill with vaccines (assuming they contain more than just saline as we can’t tell what is in each vial).

    As for pharmaceutical companies of course they are not interested in making people well as that would not be good for business.

    Kind regards.


    1. I researched properly in 2020…

      Yes, I’m sure you know more than the consensus of the world’s doctors and scientists. What degree did you receive at the end of your university education?


      1. Hello Gary, thank you for your prompt reply. So you agree with my three points then do you? I trust as a physician as I believe you are you are familiar with the contents of vaccines?

        One doesn’t need a qualification to check such matters, it is available on the internet and I hope common knowledge.


        1. So you do not have a university education yet you believe that after spending some time on the internet you know more than the hundreds of thousands of doctors and scientists in the world who say you don’t know what you are talking about?? You have set yourself up as the world’s authority on an issue about which you have no formal education or training. That is not intelligent, my friend. Please obtain a public university education and be certified as an expert before I am interested in hearing more of your opinion on vaccines and medicine.

          Thanks for the comment and for stopping by my blog.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thank you for your reply. Is that the best you can do? You are side stepping my points re vaccines as poisons which means you don’t know about vaccines and are no expert yourself. That is not intelligent but indicates ignorance on your part.

            Of course it may well be that you know I am telling the truth and cannot deny it, and you haven’t denied what I said, have you?

            As regards university education, you made a gross assumption. I did not say I did not have a degree I said you don’t need a qualification to check such matters. It is not rocket science.

            However, for what it’s worth I have a BSc and a professional qualification but these were obtained a long time ago and at 63 years old now they are irrelevant except to show something of my background.

            But they did help to give me an inquiring mind and critical thinking which is all you need to establish the three points I raised.

            And you have been unable to refute them which tell me a lot about you.


              1. Thank you for your reply. So that is still the best you can do? You can’t dispute what I say so you try and project your own issues onto me. I find this usually the case with the vaccine cultists.

                You are unable to present any information and you a physician apparently! Do you administer vaccines and if so then you administer them without knowing what is in them??

                I pity any of your patients.

                You are running scared of the truth. My wife suggested that you may have suffered a trauma. If so I wonder what that was?

                Anyway I see you have called for reinforcements so I must go and see if they have more stamina and intelligence than you.


            1. Curious — what is the substance present in any vaccine (but most particularly the COVID-19 vaccine) that you believe is “poison”? Also, please provide the sources that seem to validate your belief related to the presence of poison in vaccines?

              Further, have you ever consulted a website produced by a verified health organization (Ex. CDC) that lists the actual ingredients in various vaccines?

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Hello Nan, pleased to hear from you. I have noticed you around WordPress sites making comments.

                As regards your comment I am curious as to whether you bothered to check the ingredients yourself before you were injected. I have had a look on your website and can find no evidence of research of your own into the matter.

                However, you have at least asked me a sensible question, unlike Gary who as a physician should have been able to do this himself. So here are the links. I would suggest you check the ingredients with the internet where it is not obvious what they are (e.g. sodium chloride and water for injections).

                These three are those authorized for use in the UK where I am from. From the website.




                Click to access Spikevax_0.1-mL_PIL_09-05-2023.pdf.pdf



                Please note this statement on the website re Pfizer for example.

                “As with any new medicine in the UK this product will be closely monitored to allow quick identification of new safety information.”

                In other words this is experimental and for those that took the vaccines they are guinea pigs in a world-wide trial. If you did not know this you may wish to ask why.

                I see you have a daughter who said in August 2021 and I quote “I don’t want my girls (four in total) to because I don’t wanna mess up their ability to have children and the vaccine is just being given to people and we are the guinea pigs”

                She was right and you should have listened to her.

                More broadly, vaccines have to contain poisons and/or foreign bodies to elicit an immune response so that in itself should have been enough to alert you.

                So vaccines as I state contain poisons, it is simple enough.

                And poisoning oneself has never been good for one’s health.

                Kind regards


                1. Thank you for your intelligent response. I too did some research before I responded to your original comment. (BTW, I’m impressed that you spent so much time on my blog … and read it so closely.)

                  All vaccines AND medicines used to prevent illness have risks. And various individuals can (and do) experience negative reactions. This is the nature of the beast. Overall, however, vaccines developed in modern times have been safe and have prevented serious illness in untold number of individuals. This is also true of the COVID-19 vaccine. While I understand your reluctance to this particular vaccine as there have been many who have attempted to invalidate its effectiveness (and yes, to a degree, it was “experimental”), it would seem the sheer number of people that it helped would remove (or at least lessen) any reluctance a person might experience.

                  Personally, I have been vaccinated for various illnesses since I was very young and I’m now 80+ years of age with VERY good health. The fact that my daughter discouraged the use of the COVID-19 vaccine for her daughters is/was her choice. She is an adult woman and most certainly capable of making her own decisions. (As a sidenote, her children all received the usual childhood vaccines, so overall, she is not “anti-vaccine.”)

                  In the end, to be vaccinated against any disease is a personal choice — and this is why I find it difficult to understand why those who are “anti-vaccine” are so driven to criticize and condemn others who feel vaccines are safe. I can understand why they feel it’s important to communicate “warnings,” but for some it goes far, far beyond this.

                  And I guess the main thing that I find so baffling is why this discussion/argument continues to go on and on and on …

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                  1. Vaccines have been the victims of their own success. They’ve made many horrible diseases like measles so rare that generations now have no knowledge of the terrible suffering these diseases cause, leading to complacency in some who wonder why there is a need for vaccination.
                    My mother grew up in the old days and saw the terrible things disease can do. She made sure I got every shot there was when I was growing up.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Exactly. Watch as all your children die horrible, excruciating deaths from smallpox or diptheria and you will BEG for vaccines.


                    2. More fear porn from you Gary, no substance, just scare tactics. Perhaps you are unaware of all the vaccine harms indicated on the government websites?

                      Many parents do not beg for vaccines Gary as they have seen their precious children maimed for life by them. Perhaps you don’t have any children Gary.

                      You indicate you are a doctor, but I find you very unprofessional. I think you have a serious mental disorder.


                    3. Vaccines are a deceit; the ones who promote them are those who make money from them. It is bad business if big pharma make people well.

                      Of course we don’t know what is in each vial, and people go on trust. In reality it is a religious cult, a vaccine cult of ‘Let’s stick poison in ourselves as we believe this is a Good Thing’.

                      I am not surprised the USA’s health is so poor given its love of vaccines and medication.


                    4. Are you against all vaccines or just the recent ones. Were you vaccinated for anything when you were a child?


                    5. Thank you for your reply. For context, please note I am in the UK. As I mentioned to others here, I used to think vaccines were of some use but not for the ‘flu as I saw people be ill anyway. In 2020 at age 60 I changed my mind and realised that we had been conned and that all vaccines were pointless at best.

                      As regards childhood vaccines this is difficult to be sure but I must have had the polio vaccine via the sugar lump at probably age 6 or 7. I certainly had tetanus, the last being around age 30. This was my last vaccine.

                      I had a BCG (for tuberculosis) at age 15 at boarding school probably at the start of the summer term after Easter holidays. However, I was very ill that summer before half term so probably late May/early June. I had a temperature of 104F at least I recall and in the sanatorium for 2 weeks. It was diagnosed as possible German measles I believe. I have no formal records though to hand.

                      It took me all summer to get back my energy and I lost my athletics season. I was in the school team.

                      I now realise that what had happened was the vaccine poisoning me. Side effects from BCG vaccines generally are recorded and here is a link.



                    6. So it sounds like you are against flu vaccines but not the traditional ones from the old days – diphtheria, German measles, measles, polio, small pox, etc. Is that correct? If you were in a political role way back then, what would your policy be for the public when these diseases were prevalent.


                    7. I did say ‘all vaccines’ and I mean all. I had never researched into them until I was 60, I had never needed to until the world went crazy in 2020. We were told COVID 19 was a new type of ‘flu in essence, a mutating bug, allegedly starting in Wuhan, China.

                      When at last I double checked I realised that in the winter in the middle of China in the valley where Wuhan sits the industrial pollution is awful. This is the cause of respiratory disease, the lockdown there resulted in the air clearing significantly, thus improving conditions noticeably by allowing the smog to disperse. Here’s a link.


                      This is why I understood that we had been duped re this supposed new ‘flu.

                      As regards the diseases you list diphtheria is said to be bacterial, the others viral. The truth of the matter is that all diseases have similar symptoms and are made up names to cover a range of issues. Doctors frequently misdiagnose because of this.

                      It was always public health works such as good sanitation, clean drinking water and clean air that improve people’s health outcomes.

                      Add in freedom from fear (a major disrupter/drainer of the immune system) and good nutrition and there you have the best health policy. Making sure that the poor in society are not exploited is key too. As you will know wars drive famines and poor health. People will succumb to things when they are exhausted and emotionally drained.

                      So no more war. However that would not suit the industrial military complex which makes a lot of money out of selling arms to maim and kill people. I understand 6 out of 10 of the world’s arms manufacturers are in the USA.

                      Also you will find the bulk of big pharma companies are in the USA. As with the industrial military complex which needs wars to maintain its profits, industrial medical complex needs people to be ill.

                      Vaccines can never help but only add to disease as they are, if anything, poisons. And poisoning oneself is not a good idea, whether one is healthy or ill.


                    8. Nonsense. If what you are saying is true, people should have lived longer and healthier before vaccines and antibiotics. They did not. Infections and epidemics were the primary causes of death. In addition, it was the norm for families to lose multiple children to infectious diseases. These facts alone prove all your “research” false.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    9. As a doctor I see the dramatic changes in people’s lives after receiving medications. People suffering from chronic asthma, polymyalgia rheumatica, migraines, heart failure, and more see dramatic overnight improvement once started on medication. They thank me, sometimes with tears in their eyes for changing their lives. Diabetes used to be a death sentence. Not anymore due to insulin and other medications. I also have patients who think like you and are anti-vaccine. During the Covid pandemic, none of my patients who were vaccinated died or were hospitalized. Only those who refused to be vaccinated died. I now treat their wives and children for depression. You are spreading dangerous, DEADLY misinformation. I have let you have your say, now go away.

                      Liked by 1 person

                  2. Dear Nan

                    Thanks very much for your reply. I like to understand where someone is coming from before I question what they are saying. We all have different backgrounds and whilst families have similarities, we are ultimately individuals and not a herd to be treated like cattle.

                    Mind you even cattle should be treated with respect. My wife tells me here grandfather had a small herd of Guernsey cows and I understand he named them all.

                    As regards vaccines the statistics have been presented/massaged to suggest they are safe by those who benefit financially from them. Vaccines do not prevent illness and cannot as they contain poisons, assuming they are not just saline.

                    The truth is a great blind faith is placed in them. If one partakes of a soup or stew at a meal, it can be tasted beforehand and checked.

                    But with vaccines no one does this, it does not come out of a big vat and then you are given a small bit.

                    I have made it clear to Gary that I used to think vaccines were of some use, but changed my mind at the age of 60. I am not just against COVID 19 vaccines but all vaccines. They are all poisonous because they have to be to elicit an immune response, that is the nature of the beast. But the assumption that they ‘train’ the immune system is mere fairy tale stuff.

                    As regards COVID 19 you might wish to consider what Pfizer says on its website.

                    “After a vaccination—and once the antigen is recognized as foreign by surrounding cells—it sets a cascade of events in motion that may help provide protection against disease,” says Bill Gruber, M.D., Senior Vice President of Vaccine Clinical Research and Development at Pfizer.


                    Note please “…that MAY help provide protection…”. There is no certainty at all, wishful thinking only.

                    If you are in very good health that might be for the fact that the vaccines you received were not/not all poisonous and/or you in any event you look after yourself properly and have good vitamin levels etc.

                    Those who are against vaccines are against poisoning themselves or playing Russian roulette with their bodies.

                    And whilst I have no particular objection to people poisoning themselves if I cannot persuade them otherwise, they should do this at their own expense and not expect others such as myself to subsidise them to do so. Vaccines are not free, but paid for ultimately by taxpayers.

                    Neither should they expect others to pay compensation when they fall ill because they were foolish and ignored our warnings.

                    But this is what currently happens via compensation schemes; the government pays and that means ultimately the taxpayer.

                    And those who want to poison themselves via vaccines should not try and force others to do so, but that is exactly what we have seen on the vaccine cultists’ websites and TV channels.

                    This is the mere tip of the big pharma medical industrial complex scam, poisoning the world for profit. That is why the arguments continue and must continue until people wake up to how they have been lied to for decades and decades.


                    1. I respect your viewpoint. Of course, I disagree … and believe that I have science on my side, rather than hearsay. Nonetheless, we each must do/believe what feels right and comfortable to us — in ALL aspects of life.

                      I wish you well … and trust you will enjoy good health (minus that “vaccine poison”😈 ) as you advance in years.


                    2. Thank you Nan. We are individuals with our own immune systems in varying conditions and this is one of the problems with vaccines which seek to apply a one size fits all with no assessment of the status of each individual.

                      Therefore the approach is fundamentally flawed notwithstanding the poison aspect.

                      I hope you will enjoy good health too (minus the vaccine poison). As for me I would mention as I told Gary earlier I had been poisoned by sodium nitrite (E250) in bacon I ate. It is legally allowed in processed meats despite the fact that E250 has a history of neuro-toxic side effects. I currently struggle with a facial palsy and energy loss as a consequence.

                      I have good reasons for my articles on vaccines, not least because I was undergoing immuno-theory treatment for an alleged cancer in 2020 which was the diagnosis the doctors gave me. I stopped the ‘therapy’ in September that year because I worked out the sodium nitrite angle, but no thanks to the NHS.

                      The worst of it is that the toxic effects of E250 have been known about for over 100 years. And that is not the end of it, as E250 will bind with meat when heated to high temperature and create what are called nitro-samines. These are very toxic.

                      From my research these have been known about for decades. I have a book on all the E number chemicals from 1984 which says nitro-samines are carcinogenic!

                      Yet the ignorant doctors, G.P.s and specialists never once asked me once about diet. In fact when I asked the lady doctor when she gave me my diagnosis if I should change my diet during the treatment she said ‘No’!

                      Whilst I didn’t know it at the time as I trusted the doctors, I later found out that the immuno-therapy ingredients are very similar to the current vaccines. After I stopped in September 2020 and having had perfectly normal thyroid levels, they suddenly went peculiar. My pituitary gland was saying in effect to my thyroid ‘produce more hormone’ and the thyroid was ignoring it.

                      As i found out that the therapy has been implicated in possible damage to the pituitary I am not surprised.

                      All this adds evidence to the case against poisons vaccines, let alone other big pharma drugs.

                      Well, I have said my piece, you must do with it as you will, but please do look into the matters more thoroughly. I am telling you the truth and I have nothing to gain except knowing that people can be well and content in life.

                      All the best.


                    3. It’s regrettable that you have had some rather bad health issues — and as a result, I can understand your crusade against the medical and pharmaceutical societies However, not everyone reacts the same to medications (or vaccines), so in the end, I believe each of us must follow our instincts and make our own personal judgments.


                    4. Regrettable?? This was the result of the government allowing poisonous sodium nitrite in processed meats and I not being aware of its toxicity. The doctors should have known about it. Such matters are not isolated incidences Nan.

                      Sodium nitrite is not required for preserving meat, ordinary nitrite/nitrate free salt is sufficient and has been for thousands of years. I attach a link where I explain what is going on.

                      Sodium nitrite (E250) – the poison in your food and how to remedy it.

                      I have explained why people react differently to vaccines. The issue with medications is different, but they are basically either neuro-toxic, pain relief only, or anti-oxidant which are of some use.

                      But I repeat that the industrial medical complex is not interested in making people well as it is not good business.


                2. I do not debate anti-vaxxers for the same reason I do not debate flat-earthers, geocentrists, or witch doctors. The evidence is so overwhelming that they are wrong; the overwhelming majority of experts say they are wrong; so nothing I say is going to change their minds. It is a waste of my time and energy.


                  1. Thank you for your reply. As Lee Freeman has commented, that is Gary speak for “You got me”.

                    However, it shows up your ignorance and hypocrisy. You debate those who believe in the existence of God don’t you? Yet presumably you say that the evidence is overwhelming that they are wrong? You are very illogical.

                    Nevertheless the evidence is overwhelming that vaccines have never been of any use, they have merely been made to appear so by those who are quite happy to make money off from scamming people.

                    I repeat, you are running scared, hiding under your childish response, in essence saying to me ‘I don’t want to play any more’. Why not come out and fight like a man Gary?

                    If you have evidence, present it. As a doctor is should be easy for you.


  8. Which I’ve come to recognize, is Gary-speak for “You got me.”

    Gary you are by definition a “conspiracy theorist” because you believe the NT gospels are either all or mostly forgeries, written and circulated anonymously, which report a resurrection (and other miracles) which never happened! If two or more apostles were in on it, that makes it a conspiracy.

    And it isn’t just conservative Christians who are anti-vaccine and anti-man-made global warming. Lots of liberal Hollywood stars (former Playmate Jenny McCarthy springs immediately to mind) are anti-vaccines for children.

    And the late author Michael Crichton (1942-2008), a lifelong liberal Democrat, who obtained his bachelor’s degree in biological anthropology summa cum laude at Harvard in 1964 and received a Henry Russell Shaw Traveling Fellowship from 1964 to 1965 and was a visiting lecturer in anthropology at the University of Cambridge in the UK in 1965, then went to Harvard Medical School before becoming a writer and TV/movie producer, was an outspoken critic of man-made global warming.

    In 1998 a letter was signed by over 50 leading members of the American Meteorological Society warning about the policies promoted by environmental pressure groups to combat anthropocentric climate change. There are lots of other scientists worldwide who are/were anthropocentric global warming skeptics.

    So as usual Gary is generalizing and painting with a broad brush.



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  9. I’ve found it interesting that I’ve never come across, whether in person or on TV or in photos, someone who refuses to get vaccinated for covid but wears a mask and practices social distancing., because they think Covid is real and is dangerous to oneself, and also to others via transmission. Photo’s and videos of antivax rallies usually did not have a mask to be seen. The well publicized anti vax trucker convoy in Ottawa Canada was pretty much mask and distance free, except for the police. You’d think there would be some who were afraid of the vaccine but still took other precautions to avoid covid. If they exist, they are rare.


  10. I forgot to mention that I’m a conservative Christian and I got my Covid shots, as did my whole family and probably 95% of the members of my church.




    1. Very good. If you get appendicitis, call your Chinese medicine doctor. Without antibiotics and surgery you will have a 50% chance of dying. I think herbal treatments are fine but it has its limits. If you are seriously ill your best chance of survival is with western medicine.


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