It Isn’t Just Christian Fundamentalists Who Believe that God has Given Them Magical Protection from the Coronavirus

Christ' receives COVID-19 prayers - YouTube

Christian fundamentalists are not the only ones behaving irrationally during this pandemic.  (See the link below.)  I personally believe that all fundamentalist forms of religion are dangerous, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu.  The link below illustrates why:





End of post.

10 thoughts on “It Isn’t Just Christian Fundamentalists Who Believe that God has Given Them Magical Protection from the Coronavirus

            1. Hi Ark. I tried to leave a condolence message on your blog but my comment was not posted. I then sent you an email. I’m not sure if you received it. My condolences on the loss of your dog.

              Liked by 1 person

  1. Bishop Gerald Glenn, founder and leader since 1995 of the New Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Chesterfield, Virginia, was the first black chaplain of the town’s police. He had vowed to continue preaching “unless I’m in jail or the hospital” before his death from coronavirus earlier this month.

    And they continue to drop like flies! Ah, yes. Yahweh looks after his own, alright!


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