The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has New Strategy to Reverse Membership Declines: Focus on Northern European Americans!

Image result for image of swedish family
Wanted: Blond, blue-eyed Northern Europeans to fill pews in an LCMS church near you.


“We are in the process of identifying zip codes across the U.S. where the demographics are favorable to the LCMS but where we don’t have churches.”

–LCMS President, Matthew Harrison


Excerpt from a secretive LCMS group’s website known asCongregations Matter:

At the 2017 Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) Fall Leadership Conference, President Matthew C. Harrison cast a dark vision for future membership numbers in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod [LCMS].  During a conference where attendees hope to hear positive motivation from our Synod President, instead Harrison spent his time attempting to convince attendees that numerical decline is inevitable.  His answer to LCMS decline is to focus ministry efforts on areas where Northern Europeans are in the majority in America.  Harrison spoke of the prediction that our beloved LCMS will decline over the next 10-15 years by over 500,000 members!  A decline of 500,000 members would be a 25% drop in LCMS membership rolls.

At 8 minutes into his speech, Harrison ponders the three “Conventional Solutions” that others have identified as “the answer” [to declining membership in the LCMS]:  increase evangelism, increase natural growth, and expand our ethnic mix to “look like America.”  For most of the rest of his speech Harrison explains why these answers won’t work in the LCMS.

Image result for image of the LCMS

Gary:  Wow!  The top brass in St. Louis has really gotten desperate since I left the LCMS in 2014.  When I was still in the denomination the big debate was whether or not to use evangelical-style worship services to drive up attendance.  You know, casual contemporary services where the pastor wears blue jeans, a faded sweater, sneakers and sits on a bar stool, while a big screen overhead displays the lyrics to hip Christian rock music, and a praise band, behind the pastor, takes up most of the front of the church, etc..

So the current plan for LCMS growth is planting churches in “Northern European” areas of the United States.  Wow!  I can’t believe that this hasn’t hit the mainstream press! They would have a field day.

I guess the Lutheran version of the Gospel just doesn’t sell to Southern Europeans, Hispanics, African-Americans, and Asians.

What a joke.

The LCMS is dying for the same reason the Southern Baptist Convention and most other Christian Churches in the United States are dying:  Young people just aren’t buying what churches are selling anymore.  It will be fascinating to see the research as it comes out explaining why this phenomenon is happening (I predict that one big factor will be the Internet:  Modern, educated young people no longer accept without question all the supernatural claims of religion.  The Internet has given everyone the ability to quickly verify any claim.)

Christian pastor with a praise band and a mohawk haircut


90 thoughts on “The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has New Strategy to Reverse Membership Declines: Focus on Northern European Americans!

  1. Well the AG is growing by about %8 year and year, some of the Baptist denominations (not all of them) are also experiencing that sort of growth. Its the mainline denominations that are tanking.
    From my observation, the mainline denominations refuse to let go of their traditions and ‘get with the times’. By get with the times i don’t* mean compromise the Gospel – the ELCA did that and they lost more members than many denominations HAD members – I’m talking about rethinking how you COMMUNICATE it. How do you make ‘doing church’ in a way that resonates with where people are at today? Many Many Many years ago I was in a church work program (Director of evangelism) and I left the LCMS because I found out that there was a whole lot more to being a Christ Follower than I was being taught. Now I go all over the world helping out churches be more effective in ministry (Never saw that coming). God will use what ever is yielded to Him, to the extent that it is yielded to him. When the LCMS gets desperate enough that they will do ANYTHING that God wants – to the point of abandoning most of their traditions – then we’ll see God use them in an amazing way. If not, they will eventually cease to be a significant denomination.


    1. Yes, having a praise band, pyrotechnics, and circus animals will certainly bring in the crowds.

      However, the core beliefs are the same regardless of the “show”: the ancient superstition that the body of a first century peasant magically came back to life, flew off into outer space, and now sits on a golden throne at the edge of the universe where it rules as lord and master of the cosmos.

      Abandon your superstitions, my friend. Embrace science, reason, and rational thinking!


      1. What is a ‘praise band’?
        The church I go to and serve at doesnt have any pyrotechnics, and circus animals – well unless you count the production team but thats another issue all together.
        %66 of every one who sees our service does so via the internet. So we have a band who are very very technically proficient in that they are superb musicians and vocalists. The production team doesn’t give any points up for creating a good presentation – with out being gaudy.
        The message seems to really get peoples attention too.
        As it happens I dont see a lot of conflict with being a Christ follower and being well versed in physics, quantum mechanics and the like. As one who makes his living by thinking, I find that a very in depth study of the Bible (involving a considerable time spent in the greek and hebrew) results in the promises it contains that apply to me seem to be very reliable and trustable.
        So looking at it from a ‘The validity of science lies in its ability to predict’ perspective, it seems to predict rather well.
        As far as superstitions, I gave up the living by traditions ‘just because’ when i left the Lutheran church way back in the day.
        Some people find those traditions meaningful and such – very few of them are under 30 though.


        1. As it happens I dont see a lot of conflict with being a Christ follower and being well versed in physics, quantum mechanics and the like. As one who makes his living by thinking, I find that a very in depth study of the Bible (involving a considerable time spent in the greek and hebrew) results in the promises it contains that apply to me seem to be very reliable and trustable.

          There are tens of thousands of doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists and other educated professionals on our planet who believe that a sixth century man named Mohammad rode on a winged horse to heaven and that the Koran is perfectly compatible with science. I doubt you find their belief rational. So just because a lot of smart, educated people believe a particular supernatural claim in no way makes that supernatural claim more true or rational.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Sir, you seem to be really enjoying your PRIDE about this accomplishment! It seems like an interesting accomplishment for you. But, sadly, to some degree, the younger generation just wants to be entertained in church, and it has less to do with worshipping the Lord , Jesus Christ and serving! Tradition in the church sometimes goes overboard, and becomes a ritual. Do you suppose satanic worshippers have there rituals! Perhaps, they do! Actually, the beginning of what you are describing started decades ago, young adult individuals, and some younger married couples with children, waiting for the weekly entertainment! A place to get away from the hassles of life, an escape if you will, pick or choice whatever daily special church program from the menu. Also, in my opinion, contributing to the situation now for about 20 years, are corrupt politicians! But, that is another discussion for another time! Besides you studying the Bible, may I ask what other writers/authors/teachers impress you and why? I look forward to reading your response! PS – I am just an old married guy that grew up in a western culture. Blue jeans, western shirts and boots for some pastors were not unusual! The church rock bands, blasting church organs or screaming choirs are not for my wife and I now nor is having a hour or two of pick or choose your entertainment from the weekly menu. And old people as well as children and adults need to hear Gods Word!

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      1. I was raised in the LCMS, confirmed in 1955. The LCMS in those days taught the Luthers Small Catechism strongly. We had to memorize Bible verses (which still come to me when needed). He LCMS has followed the lead of many churches of today of trying to put pleasing people ahead of pleasing our Lord. When people cannot see sin in their life, they in turn cannot see the need of a Savior.

        Liked by 1 person

            1. Are you still alive? Maybe you needed a test and obviously, failed. God never promised us a rose garden–he said in the Bible that there would be trials and tribulations. Did you miss that part? May God continue to bless you. Karen


              1. What does that have to do with God? God killed half a million people because why? You are assuming that there is a God. Stop referring to the Bible, God killed millions of people during the Holocaust, why? Thousands of soldiers across the world were killed by God, why? Sex trafficking of children is still around due to God, why? Remember my dear Lutherans turned a blind eye when it came to the Holocaust and Nazis Germany.
                During the pandemic I listened to the science. I did not listen to the Pastor who was selling Blue Tonic for $69.99 a bottle

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  2. Hey Gary, somehow I stumbled upon this webpage and saw your comment. I hope you don’t mind that I am jumping in on the conversation, but since Carol hasn’t answered you in a few months, I thought I’d chime in.

    I need a savior because I’m going to die. Thoughts?


      1. Hi Gary – Thankfully, I’ve never been to Hell (!), so I can’t tell you exactly where it is or what it is like. The only descriptions I know of Hell are found in the Bible, and from what I have read and from what I believe, I know that I don’t want to spend my ETERNITY there. Words used to describe Hell include “agony” and “torment,” and that there will be people there weeping and crying for help amongst the hot fires that are never extinguished. The best description of Hell that I have found is in Luke 16:19-31. I hope this helps you!


          1. I don’t need further evidence because I believe the Bible is true. Wouldn’t you sooner accept the fact that hell exists now, while you are still alive and have a choice, rather than to die and find out you were wrong? What a huge regret that could be!


            1. Have you ever read the stories of how the belief in “hell” actually came about? Or do you, like so many other believers, just take it for granted that such a place exists? I urge you to do the research. And to assure you … it’s not “unbiblical. It’s fact.


              1. The stories of how hell came about are recorded in the Bible, and yes, I have read them. I do not “take for granted” that it exists; I know it does. I guess I’m confused as to what you say is “not unbiblical”?

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                1. I’m saying that if you read about hell in books OUTSIDE of the bible, you will discover that it does not exist — and this is confirmed in the bible if you put the two together.

                  YOUR version of “hell” is nothing more than what “the church” teaches in order to keep you “serving the lord” and paying your tithes.

                  Liked by 1 person

                2. Hi Nan – Thanks for clarifying what I wasn’t understanding. It sounds to me like you feel I am “serving the Lord” and “paying tithes” out of fear of going to hell and nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, some churches do teach with what I would call a “fire & brimstone” approach, but that has never been my experience. I serve Jesus and give tithes because He has forgiven me of SO MUCH and I LOVE HIM. He has covered a debt I can never repay. Just wondering, where in the Bible does it say that hell doesn’t exist?

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. It isn’t a “passage” that spells it out. But if you look deeply into the Hebrew Bible, you will see there is no mention of anything, good or bad, happening to an individual after death. It was the Persian Zoroastrian culture that first started teaching afterlife judgment and since the Jewish people lived among these people for a couple of centuries (and well into the Common Era), it’s not difficult to put two and two together.

                    Further, you need to do some study on the writings that took place during the “silent years” — the period of time between the last of the Old Testament prophets and the arrival of Jesus in the New Testament. Many of those writers (influenced by the Zoroastrian beliefs) wrote about the “fires” of hell.

                    I appreciate that you are convinced your “love of Jesus” is your motivation, but there is absolutely no doubt that the fear of eternal punishment plays a role — albeit one that is “tuned out” in your everyday efforts to “serve the lord.”

                    Liked by 1 person

            2. Wouldn’t you sooner accept the fact that the Muslim hell exists now, Amy, while you are still alive and have a choice, rather than to die and find out you were wrong? What a huge regret that could be!

              Liked by 2 people

              1. There is only one hell, for all humans, no matter what your religious beliefs are while you are alive. Any human who does not ask Jesus for forgiveness of their sins and accept him as their Savior, are all bound for the same eternity.


                1. I doubt that you have lost one second of sleep over the Muslim claim that YOU are going to burn in Hell for all eternity. Why? Because you believe that the prophetic claims of Mohammad are silly nonsense. And I feel exactly the same about the prophecies of your holy book: silly nonsense.

                  That is why I do not lose any sleep about the reality of a place called “hell”.


                  1. Hi again, Gary. You are right. I have never lost one second of sleep over the Muslim claim that I am going to hell. I’m sorry to hear that you think the Bible is a silly book of nonsense and do not believe in hell. I can obviously tell from your posts (and your about page) that you have been hurt by someone or something in the Christian church, and for that I am sorry. Unfortunately, the church is full of humans, and we are all imperfect sinners in need of a Savior. While it has been “interesting” interacting the last few days with everyone on your blog, I won’t be reading or posting further after today. I will pray for you, and all agnostics & atheists everywhere that you may open your eyes, ears, hearts and minds to the Truth of Jesus Christ.


                    1. I can obviously tell from your posts (and your about page) that you have been hurt by someone or something in the Christian church

                      Why is it that so many Christians assume that we’ve been hurt by someone, or something, in the church that lead us to where we are today? I see this all the time, and I’ve been accused of this myself. Why don’t Christians take us at our word when we tell then why we left our previous religion?

                      I can’t speak for anyone else here, but I very rarely meet people who left their faith because they were hurt. Usually we leave because we start to question the dogma that we’ve been told for years.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Exactly.

                      I loved my church. Nobody hurt me. I left because I was confronted with evidence which proved beyond any doubt that the Gospels are not reliable sources of historical information, and therefore, very shaky ground upon which any modern, educated person should believe that a first century corpse came back to life and later flew off into outer space.

                      Liked by 2 people

              1. Well, I am certainly far from an expert, but the biggest reason I believe it to be true is because I have had a personal encounter with Christ. He revealed to me my need for a relationship with Him. Jesus defeated the power of death by rising from the dead on the third day. Death has no power over Christians who put their true faith in Him. Read the Bible if you haven’t. Or if you don’t want to read that, try “More than a Carpenter” by Josh McDowell or “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel.


                1. He revealed to me my need for a relationship with Him

                  How exactly did he do this, please?

                  Jesus defeated the power of death by rising from the dead on the third day

                  What evidence do you have to substantiate this claim, please?

                  Read the Bible if you haven’t.

                  I have. ALL of it. And still do when the fancy takes me or when I need to research something.

                  Strobel? Seriously? Oh dear.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Hi Ark – To be brief, I had a personal encounter with Christ when I was 16, in the hospital, and facing brain surgery. My evidence to substantiate my claims is found in the Bible. I’m glad you’ve read the Bible. Sorry to hear that you are not a Lee Strobel fan! Oh well. He’s not perfect and neither are you or I.


                    1. Again, how exactly did he reveal himself to you.

                      What evidence is in the bible?

                      From a religious perspective, I consider Strobel in the same light as the likes of
                      Ravi Zacharius,

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                    2. Millions of Muslims, Hindus, and Mormons claim to have experienced miraculous events involving their gods. You don’t believe their claims, why should we believe yours?


                2. Please share your “personal encounter” with us, Amy. What did Jesus look like? Did he still have wounds in his hands? What was he wearing? Did he have long hair? Oh … and did he glow?


                3. A personal encounter? Please give us the details. But keep this in mind: What evidence would you demand of someone from another religion claiming to have experienced a personal encounter with their god? What evidence would you demand to believe this person’s sincere claim?

                  Please provide us with the same quality of evidence for your experience that you would require from someone of another religion.

                  Liked by 1 person

            3. Ah, yes, Pascal’s Wager. Believe, in case it is true. There are at least two flaws with Pascal’s wager. The first is that I presume sincerity of belief matters. The second is that the choice is not necessarily binary. What if God is a Catholic? Or a Muslim? Then what have you accomplished by attending the Lutheran church?


  3. I once belonged to a LCMS church for a short period. I have seen coldhearted Lutherans and pastors. I had one pastor only talked about his problems not the gospel. Within these past 4 years when the President of LCMS started Lutherans are white Republicans i lost all respect for religion. If you are a church that chooses to hate another person lifestyle, beliefs and the color of there skin then i hope all churches close their doors and go bankrupt. LCMS never spoke up during what was happening in our country with such hatred and divisions. That is when you need the support of the churches. Instead your ignored all of it just like Nazis Germany

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There is at least one LCMS pastor in the South who expresses sympathies for the Klan on his blog…and the LCMS has done nothing to kick him out of the denomination. Even though most of the people in the pews of LCMS churches are really, really nice people, the hierarchy of the Church is bigoted and even racist.

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      1. It is not surprising to me to learn that the LCMS supports the Klan, or at least tolerates pastors who do. Both the LCMS and the Klan are virulently anti-Catholic organizations, so they have at least that much in common. The LCMS even proclaims that the papacy is the Anti-Christ (see its website). Not Hitler, not Stalin, not Mao, but the Pope. One cannot get more anti-Catholic than that, and that they would associate with the Klan and other non-Catholics is to be expected.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Is there a way that I can share your reply? I am so broken hearted. A terrible offense has been committed toward me by my church and they didn’t even follow the guidelines. They said also that I cannot share anything about them or my experience on social media?


      1. Gary, I can’t afford an attorney. My pastor lost his temper with me yelled, scolding me in front of a few board members that just happened 2stay after service. 1st The pres approached me as I was leaving quietly&calmly. We said bye until next Sun. Mg 1zt time back in over 2 months. Pastor comes quickly& yelled loudly… my name, DO U NEED 2 TALK 2 ME? I was shocked,& treated it as if it was an everyday convo, I smiled&said, No sir, just leaving. Be4 I knew it I was crying&begging them2let me leave. I was boxed in by the 2 of them. He yelled with his index finger in my face, YES U DO NEED2TALK2ME, UR NOT LEAVING Until U
        APOLOGIZE2ME.&TO…. I said, I’m going2call my husband, I’m about2 buckle, they both started in on me but only Pastor kept yelling, UR NOT CALLING JOHNNY, THIS IS BETWEEN U&ME. U R UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF MARK(the pres standing on the other side), I kept begging&pleading, I remember saying, I didn’t come back4this, it’s been peaceful since I arrived … THEN WHY DID U COME BACK, ANSWER ME, by then he was shoving his finger into my shoulder over&over until he had me backed up against the wall, put my hand over my shoulder&said pastor please don’t put ur hands on me, by the look on his face, I think he was shocked that he did. Anyways I got served anexcommunication letter & it said they already took it up with the district. So they got the jump on me, now it wouldnt be any good if I appealed to district. The letter even says they dealt with me according to our bylaws!?! I was never disciplined in the past much less then. They were mad, 1 of the reasons was bc my hubby quit None of those steps took place like the letter said. I think he got scared when he realized how bad he lost it&was afraid I’d report it but that was the last thing on my mind. If any discipline should’ve taken place on him 4 that day. I never was under any discipline like the letter says. I never went before the Voters assembly nor was there a vote. I’m sorry but that is a serious mark that will follow me from here on out. Please advise me. They could’ve just let me leave in good standing. I’ve been a member there for 11 years. Any advice please?


          1. My husband called the Sheriff that day, Jan 10th. I was still shaken up. The Sheriff asked me what I wanted done about it and I said nothing or I may not be able to attend for Sacraments even. He notified my pastor. Then I Recieved the letter Jan 22nd! How stupid of me. I never thought he would go that far.


              1. You are 100% correct. LCMS, I once belonged to) has a cult atmosphere within its community. They only talk about sin and how many times or how bad your sins are God forgives you. Never do they discuss the social injustices in our country. During the 76 anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz they never prayed or state any commadatetion of peace and love. As per their president Harrison, during these very difficult times only stated “LCMS clergies and members are White Republicans”. I guess they are a part of QAON.

                ELCA is a beautiful Synod of the Lutheran Churches. They openly believe and work for social justice, stop racism, bigotry, inequalities and climate changes. They focus on the issues that everyone is facing right now. So LCMS wants to go to Northern Europe to find members, please go, the Europeans are following atheist views rather than religions

                Liked by 1 person

                1. You know, Donna, I had heard this before, but never actually thought that the LCMS was like a cult until I got on this website. So, see Gary, I”m not like a “brick wall” about everything. 🙂 I think I was definitely mistaken about this.

                  One thing I also like about my ELCA church is that there are a diversity of political and social views that people might have. We are not all shoe-horned. I feel like my pastor, while certainly not without any fault, very much strives toward unity and understanding. He doesn’t act like a one-person show or a dictator.

                  I think that both of our pastors genuinely care about the welfare of the congregation and are willing to go the extra mile to be a support regardless of where people are at or what they might be going through,

                  IMO, if people are in a toxic and abusive church, they need to get out of that situation as soon as possible. No church is perfect, but there is something terribly wrong when it feels to be all about threats and control and the love of Christ can’t be seen in any measure.

                  There are alternatives out there folks.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Hi Becky
                    I go to an ELCA in New York. Amazing experience and I feel better when I walked out of church. Now that everything is virtually, I still have that feel good experience. I was brought up with no religion in my family. However I become an adult I am a Buddhism ☸. It is not a religion just a philosophy of life. Going to ELCA I feel both are on the journey to help,protect and take care of humankind


                    1. Please do

                      On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 4:32 PM Escaping Christian Fundamentalism wrote:

                      > My Blog commented: “I really enjoyed this especially the the last > paragraph… IMO. I would love premission to copy that last paragraph?” >


        1. 😭I don’t understand, I’ve never been shamed like before, I didn’t expect him to come toward me so quickly scolding me publicly then he put his hands on me? I wasn’t in church discipline, ever, and I still don’t know what he was so angry about. Then he puts me out and he notifies the district and mails me the letter. It has really destroyed me. For months I just laid in the same spot sobbing out loud to God. After all this time I’m told he brings me up and starts new lies without any remorse on his face. How?


      2. Depending on what it is, your best recourse might be to see a lawyer, particularly one who concentrates in church abuse cases. He or she can tell you what your rights and obligations are. Posting such matters on social media is generally unwise. First of all, it is not likely to produce any positive result for you. Also, the object of your comment may sue you for defamation, and if you can prove the literal truth of what you wrote, you might have serious liability.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you. I’m just now seeing this. I’m very sick and have been for awhile. I’m just hurt, broken and never knew this kind of betrayal existed. I became depressed, then depression with sicknesses then suicidal. No longer suicidal.


          1. I just saw this blog again. I noticed I commented on the LCMS and WELS back in 2020. I have learned so much over the year about being involved in a cult. They is this assessment tool that is still being researched and requires extensive mega analysis and a large cohort to be placed as an assessment tool for psychiatrists to see if a group can be cataloged as a CULT. It is called the BRIT Model. In addition if the Model to be scientific an appoved method for testing then it is placed in the official DSM 7 new edition.
            So far on a small cohort study, LCMS and WELS would be classified as a medium grade CULT. NOT good.

            Let’s look at what this past year has taught me about LCMS. They are true Christian Nationalists, racists- most pastors after the George Floyd murder sided with the police officers who killed Mr. Floyd and openly spoke about it during their Sunday sermon. Now the LCMS has a fund, Lutheran Extension Relief Fund. This Relief Fund was donated money for any disaster that occurs. Yesterday I read a recently released article asking church memberships across America to donate money to the fund in order to help pay pastors salaries. Outrageous
            In Missouri right now Delta Variant of Covid 19 is spreading rapidly. The report stated, “churches in Missouri are helping people to get vaccinated “. Only one church ⛪is doing this United Methodist Church. Not LCMS where their headquarters and seminary school is located in St. Louis, MO.

            I am hoping the statistics are revealing that church attendance has been declining rapidly happens to these CULT CHURCHS.


            1. Yes, the LCMS is a cult. There are a lot of really nice laypersons in LCMS churches and there are some really nice pastors, but unfortunately the group as a whole is a cult.

              Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks, I’ve been told lately they are a cult. They can hurt you so bad and do much damage to a person. I became suicidal… not so much now but very depressed. I’ve been in church my whole life I’ve actually seen so many hurt since I joined Christ Lutheran Church in Paris, TN. I can’t believe I stayed so long. I look at them on Google search and I saw that under Reviews, they have a new negative review.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thank for your support. I feel better being associated with ELCA. I love how they truly focus on social justice issues. We are not back to the good old days of 1920’s.
            Much injustices have been committed over the past 5 years especially.


        2. Thank you. I apologize that it took me so long to respond to you
          .Donna Covello
          FEBRUARY 9, 2021 AT 9:15 AM
          I am so sorry you had to go through that. LCMS PRESIDENT HARRISON started “Most of our pastors, clergies and members are WHITE CONSERVATIVES REPUBLICANS “.

          I truly feel they are a cult

          Liked by 1 person

  4. In 1982 I prayed LCMS would die due to most ungodly Semiary professors and District officials. St Pauls Monano and Kulm ND have long since died in the same prayer.

    Liked by 2 people


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      1. Yes they killed the black woman off WELA’S church property. It is sad. They is so much to say, but I can not. I loved the pastor too much (Yes, inappropriately) I was truly lost, I felt like his words were just in his messagering. Forgive my words it’s his , “you are a cult and whose”.


    1. This is so true and I agree with you. I may cite this using your name. Honesty, I don’t foreseeing myself doing another church. I’m too old to start over and I’m really, … you know like when you’ve been through something and you can’t risk putting yourself back into the same situation even if it is by a different route? I’m exhausted. Latest news as of this lady Sunday… now the members that are still there have been ordered not to have anything whatever to do with me and my husband whatsoever ever. They don’t know the whole story because they weren’t there and I was told when the pastor was screaming at me, not to ever return and I was no longer a member. This was in one instant and so no I was never even given a chance to be subject to church discipline not even the first step. The only few members remaining that witnessed this are his cheerleading crowd. He still has not and refuses to tell me or give me a copy of whatever was told about me to district so I don’t even know what he’ll fire sins that he told them that I committed. They had to be really bad for The district president, Rev. Richard Pavvola to go a long with this unjust excommunication. None of it was done according to our Constitution and By-Laws. It was just him angrily rebuking me after approaching me first. I did get a certified letter in the mail 2 weeks later that only gave information as to I was no longer a member and that communication between them and the district president had already took place and It was agreed that this was how it should be handled by the district president. Signed by pastor and the president of our church. The top of the letter shows, page 1 of pages (and then it’s cut off). So now of course I’ve been threatened that they’d go through the law to stope from publicly posting about it. I choose to keep speaking out and to accept whatever consequences that may come from it. This is the link to the church I was a member of for 14 years that this occurred at. Now months laters the members are now no longer allowed to be in contact with us.


      1. I just happened on your post and as a Missouri Synod Pastor I would encourage you to contact your district president (or first vice president if that doesn’t work). I think giving them the whole story from your perspective might do a lot more good than talking to others. All the contact information should be at:


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